Supply Chain Management

EVERY business has a supply chain

Opportunity in Big Data, Supply Chain and Manufacturing

85% of Fortune 500’s are unable to exploit big data for competitive advantage.

The manufacturing market is expected to grow from $16T to $30T by 2025.

Understanding your supply chain can create as much as $100M in profit annually.

From Electronics to Pharmaceuticals

Paradata can add understanding to your industry’s supply chain to create millions of dollars in additional profit.

The appetites for big, expensive software deployments are non-existent. Supply chain strategists must look elsewhere for technology-enabled innovation in their operations. Cloud is at least part of the answer.

The question for supply chain executives then becomes “Where to start?” First identify where cloud can quickly advance supply chain capabilities. This graphic casts specific procurement solutions against two essential decision dimensions.

Customer Overview

Our 10 large brand name clients collectively spend $1.7 trillion annually. They are in these and other industries.


The electronics industry started in the early 20th century and then emerged as a global industry worth billions of dollars. The countries most active in making electronics are China, U.S., Japan, and Germany.


The energy market is worth hundreds of billions of dollars in the U.S. alone. It’s comprised of coal, natural gas, electricity, nuclear, and other related technologies.


In the U.S. the commercial construction building market alone is worth $143 billion, encompasses 63k businesses and employs 1.5 million people. It is expected to grow 6.2% in the next ten to 15 years.


In fiscal year 2015, the U.S. federal government is projected to spend around $3.9T. This is around 21% of the U.S. economy.


The global pharmaceuticals market is worth $300 billion a year, a figure expected to rise to $400 billion within three years.

Learn more about Paradata Solutions